• By pre-registering online, you can access your registration at any time and can: Update your contact information; add a guest (when approved); Print a receipt; Resend a confirmation; Invite a colleague; View a sample badge.
  • For the best availability, book your hotel as early as possible. Our exclusive partner, OnPeak, offers the best rates at hotel properties throughout the Atlanta area. Whether you’re looking to stay in Downtown, Midtown or Buckhead, there are options for every style and budget. Also, when you stay at one of our partnered hotels, you’ll have access to our free shuttle that will take you to and from your hotel directly to Market.
  • Pro Tip: Book for the next Market before leaving the current one.
  • Air travel – Delta Air Lines offer discounted fares to Atlanta Market.
  • Driving in or renting a car? We offer multiple onsite parking options. Please note there is no overnight parking availability.
  • Complimentary shuttle service is available from most partner hotels outside of walking distance with convenient drop off to Market.
  • Explore MARTA, Atlanta’s rapid rail system, which can take you from the Airport to Peachtree Center Station located right below AmericasMart.
  • Scooter rental is available through Scootaround by calling 888.441.7575

Assess current inventory to know what sells well, what you need and where you want to expand. Be sure to check what’s on order so you ensure that your time at Market is spent sourcing effectively. Plan to buy what you need 6-12 months from Market.

  • Make sure you have a set spending limit and understanding of the amount of dollars and/or units available. Otherwise, it’s easy to get carried away.
  • Need a cheat sheet to decipher industry terms like Open-to-Buy? Our Wholesale Market Glossary is here to help.

Set a budget to help you shop wisely. Make sure you have a set spending limit and understanding of the amount of dollars and/or units available. Otherwise, it’s easy to get carried away.

Come with your credit information (e.g. retail license, state tax number) so you can write orders seamlessly.

The ANDMORE Markets App is like having a personal Market assistant right on your phone. The app has multiple tools to simplify and organize your Market experience:

  • Digital Scan & Go Registration QR Code for Buyers: Retrieve your badge with a QR code (yay! Skip the line).
  • Brand directory and Market Planner: Find your favorites or new showrooms and brands, organize them by location or preference, and off you go.
  • In-app camera: Saves all your photos organized by showroom, in a labeled folder on your phone, and online in a web experience.
  • Step-by-step navigation: Find your destination quickly.

Buyers: Find your Scan & Go QR Code in the App so you can scan it and present your photo ID to receive your badge quickly.

  • Begin your shopping on the top floor of each building and move down to lower floors using the stairs and escalators.
  • Use the bridges to move from one building to the next.
  • Use the App to help navigate floors and locate both showrooms and temporary booths.

Understand what types of showrooms you’re browsing. Corporate Showrooms display products and lines from one company while Rep Showrooms feature different brands (often from different categories) in them. Check each showroom’s pricing structure and minimum purchase requirement by asking a rep.

Collaborate with your buying team and considering a divide-and-conquer approach cover more ground. You can also dedicate one day to each building so you confine your search.

Pro Tip: Make sure to leave time to explore areas you might not normally consider allowing for some inspiration and new finds.

  • There’s more than 7 million square feet of exhibit space at Atlanta Market. That’s a lot of ground to cover. Don’t sacrifice comfort for style.
  • Pro Tip: Don’t wear the same shoes two days in a row.

Always include a shipping date and a cancellation date — that’s when the merchandise will be shipped and the latest date buyer can cancel the order. Ensure you know the method of shipping and ask about freight charges.

Pro Tip: Always ask about any special Market shipping considerations.

  • Take time to get to know your sales reps. They can be valuable allies to learn about new product introductions and determine the right products for your customers.
  • No one understands your business like your fellow retailers and designers. Time spent talking with your peers is invaluable. Plus, it’s fun to make new friends who get it.
  • Pro Tip: Relax and connect in the Buyer’s Lounge, Building 2, Floor 8, 889
  • You likely have a packed schedule during Market, but we recommend making time to attend a few events. You can learn valuable business tips from industry experts, ask questions, and continue networking. Check out the schedule here.
  • Check out the photo ops around campus to snap a shot for your social media and make a memory.
  • Pro Tip: Remember to tag @AmericasMartATL | #AtlMkt
  • We regularly post showroom updates, event details, and news from Market, so be sure to follow us @AmericasMartATL.
  • Tag us in your Market content—how you’re preparing, your arrival to Market, and all the fun you’re having exploring. We might reshare your posts!

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